Spanish Conversation Level 2: Fast Paced

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Continue your Spanish learning in the fast-paced format. We'll converse in past, present and future. Then we'll move on to progressive, present perfect and pluperfect.

There will be some reading and writing in this class. However, this is a conversation class, so our main focus will be on speaking, listening, and culture. We'll cover most of the same topics as Level 2, but we'll do it more rapidly. Course content varies depending on the instructor and students. Generally, the following topics are covered in this level: REVIEW: Level 1 SYNTAX (how sentences are formed); direct object pronouns; indirect object pronouns; personal "a"; commands; demonstrative adjectives; VERBS: gustar-type verbs; ser vs. estar; ir vs. venir; llevar vs. traer; reflexive, if there's time; more irregular verbs; VOCABULARY: numbers beyond 1,000; physical appearance; idioms with tener and hacer; prepositions; daily life. Once you've completed the level 2 class, you can either take Level 3 or skip to Level 4. The Level 3 class allows students who have taken Levels 1 and 2 an extra term of study before progressing to the next textbook. If you feel comfortable with all of the topics covered in the Level 1/2 textbook, we recommend that you skip to Level 4.

List of classes for 9LAN615J Spanish Conversation Level 2: Fast Paced
CRNClass typeLocationDays & timeDatesSeats availableMore infoSign up
12586RemoteNot applicable
from 1 to 2:50pm

From January 9 through March 13, 2025
Instructor: Gilda Bensel
Tuition: $149 Fees: $0
Notes: Text: Practical Spanish Grammar
Registration is closed
15113RemoteNot applicable
from 6 to 7:50pm

From January 8 through March 12, 2025
Instructor: Cindy Riley
Tuition: $155 Fees: $0
Registration is closed
14191In-personSoutheast TABOR 137
from 2 to 3:20pm

From January 29 through March 19, 2025
Instructor: Mario R Galindo
Tuition: $99 Fees: $2
Notes: Text: Spanish Now! Level 1
This class has started, but you can still register for CRN 14191

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