This content was published: February 26, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

E-Centers Free Upcycle Event: Flower Bombs and Bird Feeders

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What a good turnout to the UpCycling event this week hosted by the Sylvania Campus Environmental Center. Bird-seed feeders and flower bombs were made!

Flower bombs are a great way to spread flowers and joy in the world. They are a rich soil and clay mix, coated with Marigold or Wildflower seeds, which can be tossed out anywhere you would like to see flowers. And really, who wouldn’t?
The bird-seed feeders are made from pine cones, encrusted with peanut butter and coated with bird seed. Then you just hang them outside and let the birds get snacking!

Get involved with the next UpCycling event by contacting Venus Barnes. At a minimum, make sure to stop by each UpCycling event to enter the raffle and win some cool gifts!
