This content was published: April 1, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Garden Gossip: New Trees, Bees, and Spring Greens

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Learning Garden Volunteer Schedule

New Trees, Bees, and Spring Greens

We hope you had a fantastic, restful Spring Break and are ready to gear up for a busy Spring Term.

TOMORROW (3/31) Enjoy the first spring greens from the Garden!
  • Volunteer hours start tomorrow with our Tuesday Harvest Crew! No prior experience or RSVP required. Find us from 8am-12pm at the Learning Garden and 12-2pm at the farm stand. Remember every 4 hours you volunteer, you’ll get a $20 coupon for produce or flowers from Portlandia Farm Standia.
  • Pop-Up Portlandia Farm Standia from 12-2pm: We’ll have lots of mixed salad greens, arugula, and some carrots and radishes for sale (cash/check only). Freshly harvested and delicious! Look for it under the awning of Building 3 or inside if the weather is really rainy. Don’t miss out on this special preview of the farm stand before its official debut during Earth Week.


New Trees and Berries!

Did you know that we’re adding 35 fruit trees to our orchard, including varieties of fig, cherry, peach, plum, nectarine, elderberry, pear, and pomegranate?

We’re also adding a berry patch with blackberries, raspberries, marionberries, grapes, and kiwi. We know, we’re planting a paradise for your taste buds.

Busy Bees

We’re adding more bees to our hives starting on Earth Day, April 22. We’re excited for all the pollination and of course, the honey!

Upcoming Sustainability Events


Get Involved

Check out the volunteer schedule for the Spring Term!

Grow on,
The Learning Garden Crew