This content was published: February 6, 2017. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Alternative Building Design, BCT 116

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cob structure in the snow

Natural building instruction and consultation

Learn to work with Clay, Sand, and Straw: Truly sustainable materials for planet earth.

A course that provides a blend of collaborative design and hands-on experience with a variety of materials, course content will explore how natural building materials and techniques can be used independently or integrated with conventional construction.

Course Content includes: Straw-bale, Cob, Earth-bag, Slip-straw, Clay and lime plasters, Earthen floors, Integration with conventional construction, Codes, Design, Building science for natural structures, Life cycle analysis, and more.

  • Fridays
  • 8am to 1:50pm
  • Spring term 2017: April 7 to June 16
  • Rock Creek Campus
  • 3 credit hours, CRN 21709