This content was published: March 31, 2020. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Faculty Spotlight #8

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Sustainability is practiced all throughout PCC, from innovative waste management and learning gardens to solar energy and active transportation. But do you know about the faculty who include sustainability in their classes? Every week on our Sustainability blog and social media accounts we will share a faculty member who integrates sustainability into their course curriculum. PCC faculty have the ability to educate and extend sustainability efforts to students, creating positive change in our communities. Follow our Sustainability Blog and PCC_Sustain on Instagram and Twitter to learn about these inspiring faculty members! If you are a faculty member or know of one practicing sustainability efforts, please email to be featured!

Introducing this week’s faculty spotlight – April Ann Fong! April Ann is a Biology  and Environmental Studies professor on Sylvania.April

She teaches multiple biology courses like Principals of Biology 211 & 212 (BI 211, BI 212) , General Biology 101 (BI 101), Botany (BI 202). All of her courses incorporate environmental topics and sustainable efforts for students to learn and use outside the classroom. She is passionate about environmentalism and incorporating local efforts like addressing storm water issues in Portland.

April Ann is also the Sylvania Habitat Restoration Team Coordinator. The Sylvania Habitat Restoration Team meets weekly to work towards restoring local environments. The Sylvania Habitat Restoration Team is a group of individuals dedicated to keeping our natural areas, around PCC Sylvania, as close to natural as humanly possible. Students, instructors, neighbors, local businesses, volunteers, and anyone who cares about working to keep our green spaces green can join! Check out their Facebook.

Below is a video of a past Sylvania Habitat Restoration Team Work Party

April Ann strives to use her science courses as a starting point for students to get interested in sustainability. She explains how sustainability effects our lives and using it outside of the classroom can make it a true reality. Learning the basics of biology and environmentalism is a way to make students more informed about their own sustainability efforts and support efforts around them.